The State Board of Education has been working on new state graduation requirments known as CORE 24. The “core” of CORE 24 is a set of graduation requirements that the Board believes will prepare students intentionally for whatever option they choose after high school.
CORE 24 represents the essential high school graduation requirements all students should have to prepare for life after high school.
CORE 24 is based on the following principles:
1) Equip everyone: Prepare ALL students for life after high school—in gainful employment, an apprenticeship or postsecondary education.
2) Expect more: Align requirements to meet the increased expectations of the 21st century workforce.
3) Provide flexibility: Allow students to customize their education, creating relevance to their interests.
4) Give focus: Encourage students to align course work to achieve their future career goals.
5) Plan ahead: Emphasize the High School and Beyond Plan to offer students personalized guidance to prepare them for work, postsecondary education, or both.
6) Start early: Prepare students to enter highschool and create opportunities to meet high school graduation requirements in middle school.
Under CORE 24, all students would be enrolled automatically in college and career ready courses that would keep all postsecondary college and career options open unless they chose to pursue a college emphasis or a career emphasis only.
Additional information may be found at the State Board of Education's web site: 24 flyer: